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Episode 30: GLAM Q&A

It's that time AGAIN! You sent in questions, and we gave our best effort in answering them. Have a question that you would like to submit? Send an email to, tweet us, facebook us, or send an anonymous text to 252.220.GLAM!

Episode 30: GLAM Q&A


Episode 29: "Just Give Up?"

Are there ever times in life when we are supposed to "just give up" on certain friendships?  We know that unhealthy relationships can require us to finally walk away, but how do you know when things are to that point? Check out this week's podcast as we discuss.

Episode 29: "Just Give Up?"


Episode 28: "Emotional Battles"

Sometimes being a girl, it feels like our emotions can be one of our biggest enemies.  Our emotions can floor us with the big things and pester us with the small things, and you can't get away from it. So how do we know if we are dealing in a healthy way? Listen to this podcast as we discuss!

Episode 28: "Emotional Battles"


Episode 27: "Let's Talk About Dating"

To quote the ever-classic Princess Bride scene, "Mawage. Mawage... that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam."  But long before you ever get to that point, we all usually stumble through the wonderful, murky world of dating. So, we finally decided to brave this essential topic. Listen in!

Episode 27: "Let's Talk About Dating"


Episode 26: "No Excuses"

"It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities" (Josiah Charles Stamp).

This week we discuss the good ol' exciting topic of responsibility... but don't run away yet!

As Spiderman says, "With great power comes great responsibility."       So if we ever hope to advance towards leadership, we must start with the basics. Now, take responsibility and listen to this episode! :)

Episode 26: "No Excuses"

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