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3...2..1. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

HAPPY 2012!

Here we are on the 2nd day of the newest year! I am happy to report to the G.L.A.M. world that I have officially survived 2011 and moved on to a brand new year full of untapped potential! YEE HAW! (That’s Alabamian for YAY!) So to kick off the start of this fantastic new future I give you my goals for 2012. (Notice I did not say resolutions, because those are too easy to break, goals however, are changeable, and workable, and something that goes far beyond February 1)


 #1: VISION. This year my number one goal is to trust 100 percent in God’s vision for my life and everything in it. I have a nasty habit of being a control freak, and well, it didn’t serve me very well in 2011, so today I kiss it goodbye. I am giving up control to the one who can handle it and asking Him to redefine my vision for my home, school, work, relationships, and give me purpose through each of them.

#2. INSPIRATION. We’ve talked about this before. I’m a creative person. I need to be fed on a spiritual and creative level. This year I am going to allow myself to be inspired, and I will make the time and take the steps I need to take to make beautiful things, and use my gifts.

#3. POPPING THE BUBBLE. I went through a lot of tragedy in 2011. My Mom passed away unexpectedly, and my other mother (step mom, but I hate that word) was diagnosed with a terrible case of Ovarian Cancer. I also had a lot of great things happen for me. I started a new school, G.L.A.M. became a full time gig, and I won Mrs. Tennessee United States! All of that to say I was put in a place where I had a to spend a lot of time thinking about me. I found myself living inside the bubble. Life revolved around me. NO more. I have officially popped the “me” bubble. Though I think it is important to focus and take care of myself, and I plan to continue to do so, in 2012, I am going do as much for others as I do for me.

#4. FLEXABILITY. Though I have always considered myself a “cockroach” in the sense that I can adapt to any situation, I have found myself to be less and less flexible in life. Part has to do with the aforementioned bubble, but a lot has to do with comfort. Who wants to stretch when you can just bend? Part of trusting the path God has sent out for me is realizing sometimes its not going to be easy to walk down, and I have to STRETCH that faith, instead of bending and settling under pressure. I am going to live and stretch and grow with God with this year, and see just how faithful and trusting I really am. Come mountains, valleys, pilates, or yoga… I will be God’s “cockroach.”

#5. THANKGSIVING. It’s not only a very unappreciated American (and apparently Canadian) Holiday, it’s an act of expression. It always makes me feel so loved and valued when someone expresses his or her gratitude for me. 2012 is going to be a year full of blessings. I know it! I want to take the time to be thankful for each one of them. So, I have set the goal to be public and purposeful with my gratitude from now on. I want everyone who impacts my days, weeks, and year, especially my Savior, to know how much I appreciate them.

So there they are. My top 5. I’ll share with you throughout the year as I experience living each of these new goals. I’m sure I’ll have my ups and downs, but I’m glad I get to share this new start with my G.L.A.M. Girls in our new G.L.A.M. world. It’s exciting! I can’t wait to see what God has planned not only for me, but each of you too. Please feel free to comment and share what your goals for 2012 are. We can encourage and support each other!

Happy FRESH START everyone. May God continue to bless you and challenge you through this year. May you end these 363 days a new, more fulfilled, and blessed person. 

GLAM Ministries, G.L.A.M. Ministries, Amanda, Amanda Sekulow, Mrs. Tennessee United States, Mrs. Tennesee, Amanda signature, pageant crown, tiara, Nashville, Tennessee, glamorous, GLAM Girls, mentors, mentoring, mentor, teens, Christian


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    Neat Site, Preserve the very good work. Regards!
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    GLAM MINISTRIES - Godly Leadership Advancement through Mentoring- G.L.A.M. Ministries- Mentoring Young Women - GLAM Team Blog - 3...2..1. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
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    GLAM MINISTRIES - Godly Leadership Advancement through Mentoring- G.L.A.M. Ministries- Mentoring Young Women - GLAM Team Blog - 3...2..1. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
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    GLAM MINISTRIES - Godly Leadership Advancement through Mentoring- G.L.A.M. Ministries- Mentoring Young Women - GLAM Team Blog - 3...2..1. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
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    GLAM MINISTRIES - Godly Leadership Advancement through Mentoring- G.L.A.M. Ministries- Mentoring Young Women - GLAM Team Blog - 3...2..1. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
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    GLAM MINISTRIES - Godly Leadership Advancement through Mentoring- G.L.A.M. Ministries- Mentoring Young Women - GLAM Team Blog - 3...2..1. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
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    GLAM MINISTRIES - Godly Leadership Advancement through Mentoring- G.L.A.M. Ministries- Mentoring Young Women - GLAM Team Blog - 3...2..1. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
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    GLAM MINISTRIES - Godly Leadership Advancement through Mentoring- G.L.A.M. Ministries- Mentoring Young Women - GLAM Team Blog - 3...2..1. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
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    All your goals for the new year set was simply rocking. Every new year is the best tiemt o take resolutiona nd set goals properly. Setting goals is not only important but to implement hem is what necessary. I hope you had a wonderful year through out.
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