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Photography with a Purpose

There is an old poem that states that you meet friends for a season, a reason or lifetime.  When I (Meredith) met Ashley "Ashmill" Miller, I simply thought it was a for a season.  She and I share a mutual friend and would interact here and there, but that was the extent of our friendship.  However, when I moved to Nashville she became my reliable source of information and directions around town.  Over the past year and a half she and I have become close friends and it's now evident we are friends for a reason.  Ashmill and I both share an undying passion for Africa.  We have both spent time there and are aching to return.  Ashmill has the chance to return in a few short weeks and yes, I am jealous.  She is returning to use her gift of photography and document the work of non-profits across Tanzania.  She is giving up her work here and paying her own way to work for free there.  Bellow is a recent blog for her website.  May her journey move you to use the gifts God has given you for His glory.

If Batman ever visited Mwanza, Tanzania I’m sure he would say the same thing he said about Gotham, “This city is full of people ready to believe in good.” My first trip to Africa not only validated the great need there, but also opened my eyes to the fact that hope still exists and, often times, in great quantity.

There were countless moments that both delighted my heart and tore it to pieces, confirming that while the present is bleak, people believe in –and long for– a brighter future. Moments such as visiting with the street boys whose small amount of English included, “Teacher, I want to go to school, but don’t have the money.” Or times when a trip off the paved path led to large gatherings of giggling locals as word had quickly spread that wazungus (white folk) were in town. Their tattered clothes only slightly shielding their captivating smiles. And Glory. The sweet, little one whose family faced uncertain times as cancer seemed to be winning the battle against her 4-yr old body.

These moments have lingered in my head for the past two years and have shaped my goals for my return trip. Through photographs, I want to tell the stories of both the sufferers and survivors. The helpless and the helpers. The rescuers and those needing rescue.

Photographs tell stories in ways that words cannot. While they may not fill a hungry stomach, bring back a loved one, or cure a disease, photographs can in fact be a small part of changing the world. Some stories are better told in first person, which is why also want to put cameras into the hand of the people I meet — because they are the true narrators.

As the trip draws near, details are being finalized. Both my photographs and theirs will be culled, edited, and presented as one project. While my trip will begin in Mwanza, I’ve been in communication with non-profits throughout Tanzania and look forward to seeing more of this beautiful country. A five-week trip awaits me and I could sure use your help to pull it off! I will be in Tanzania from January 16 through February 22.

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Read more by visiting Ashley's blog

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