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Shepherds, Why This Jubilee? 

I LOVE Christmas music… Well, as long as it is after Thanksgiving and before the New Year.  Nonetheless, I still love it!  Every year I am brought back to the memories of the years and years of Christmas’ past.  And without fail, every year I think I know every word to every “classic” Christmas carol.  The music starts, whether it is on the radio, in a store or in church, and I start singing along.  At first I feel pretty good about myself for remembering the words since last Christmas and then… the dreaded second verse comes.  Yep, I just thought I knew all the words.  Come on, you know what I am talking about!

Last week I was getting ready for work and I started singing “Angels We Have Heard on High”.  All was well as I was singing away.  I flawlessly sang every word of the first verse and then proceeded to the chorus.  Then it happened.  “What comes next?” I thought to myself.  So I began to hum and think through it.  “Gloria in excelsis Deo…”  Nothing.  I had nothing.  “Wait a minute… It’s something about shepherds.”  So I sang the chorus again to see what came out about shepherds and I sang, “Shepherds, why this jubilee?”  I was not sure if it was right or not, but it sounded good!  Once I got to work I did what every self-respecting scholar does when they do not know the answer to a question…I googled it!  Yep, indeed those were the right words.

The rest of the day those words rang in my head and I found myself going back to the lyrics to see how the song continued on.

Shepherds, why this jubilee?
Why your joyous strains prolong?
What the gladsome tidings be
Which inspire your heavenly song? 

Over 2000 years ago the shepherds were in a field, watching over their sheep, minding their own business.  Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared to them and told them that their messiah had come and where He was.  Immediately after the angel left, the shepherds knew they needed to go straight to where the angel had told them their Lord lay.  So, they did.  I’m not sure what all went on when the shepherds reached Jesus, but I am sure it was noting short of incredible.  I’m sure they stood in awe of their Savior.  I’m sure they bowed down and worshiped Him. One thing we do know from scripture is that after all of this had happened, they made known what they had experienced and the people were curious. 

I think the writer of this song gives us an awesome picture of what the people might have been thinking.   “Shepherds why are you celebrating?  Why are you singing these celebratory songs?  What is this good news that has you acting like this?” I’m sure the people thought, “What is up with these shepherds?”

Why were these shepherds so jubilant?  It’s simple; they had seen the face of Jesus.  They became intimately close with their Savior.  I would dare to say that one of them might have gotten the chance to hold Him.  How incredible is that?!?  They met Jesus and they were changed, they could not help, but sing praises.  They met Jesus and they wanted the world to know.

I don’t know about you, but when I think about this, my heart hurts. I have met Jesus.  I was not there, in Bethlehem, at the manger and I have not held Jesus in my arms and I have not seen Him physically face-to-face, but I have met Him and He is my Savior.  However, those praises often disappear from my lips and I am not always making sure everyone has heard of Him. 

This Christmas season I would like to place a challenge.  A challenge that is not only just to you, but also a challenge to me.  Let us find that jubilee and joyous strains and gladsome tidings again.  As we celebrate Christ’s birth, let us remember the reason why we celebrate His birth and let us share it with others.  May it Merry CHRISTmas from my family!pour so much from us, that the world will look at us and wonder why we are so happy and why we keep going on and on about it.  In doing so, may we point people to the baby in the manger.  May we point them to their Savior.  May we point them to Christ.

From my family, to yours, Merry CHRISTmas.


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