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I finally feel like I have my brain back. After months of trying to adjust to sharing it with this little person growing in my belly, I think I’m finally getting back into the swing of things. I’ve missed you all in the process. I’ve done so much growing mentally and physically since we last talked. I learned that sometimes you just have to let go and let God… I know that’s a cliché thing to say, but sometimes you just have to live it out before those things really sink in. I guess the best way to describe what I’ve been going through is reprogramming. I’ve had to learn to make the switch from pageant queen to pregnancy. I’ve had to relearn how to eat, shop, dress, sleep, and SO many other things. But all in all I’ve really enjoyed the entire process. The hardest part has been relearning how to focus. After struggling with my ADHD for so long and finally getting on a treatment plan, it was REALLY hard for me to regain my focus after postponing treatment, but it was necessary for the health of my child. But slowly each day I’m getting better at keeping a clear mind and checking things off the list. In fact, listing is pretty much what keeps me on track each day. I used as a tool for years long before I was aware of my ADHD, but didn’t need it as much once I started treatment. Now I’m back in the habit, and I rather enjoy checking things off each day! So today I want to share a list I’ve made with you all. Here are Some Lessons I’ve Had to Re- learn Recently:

  1. Be Thankful: For everything, everyone, and every opportunity that comes your way. Make sure you let that be known.
  2. Be Confident: I think I’ve mentioned the old pageant rule of “fake it ‘til you make it” here before, but I’ve learned that it applies to real life too. When you’re feeling blue, BIG, or just blah… put a smile and some lip-gloss on and soon enough you’ll start to see that things aren’t as bad as you first thought.
  3. Be Consistent: If at first you don’t succeed try, try again! This one is hard, because I’m a results kinda girl. I like to see things work out right the first time. But I’m seeing that as I fail along the way I’m learning ways to do it better the next time. Whether it’s friendship, work, school, or just cleaning up around my house, whatever it is, I’m re- learning to accept I’ll never get everything right the first time. 
  4. Be Patient: I’m starting to realize this is a class I’ll never graduate from.  Like I mentioned in number 3, I like results, and typically I don’t like to wait on them. But if there is one thing my friends, my husband, and my family have shown me through this amazing process, it’s patience. I’m so lucky to be surrounded by people who love and embrace me for who I am no matter what. There is no greater example of true patience.
  5. Be Yourself: I’ll be the first to admit I’m FAR from perfection, but I’ll also be the first to say that I like who I am. God has given me a one-of-a-kind personality, and though it may come with some quirks, it’s ALL mine! He’s done the same for you. The best part of this time of change and growth has been the stability I have found in knowing who I am and whom I feel God wants me to be. Loving yourself is the first step in loving others. I think that is important for any woman to learn no matter what stage of life she’s in, but especially when facing motherhood.

So as this journey continues, I’m so happy to bring you all along! I love you all, and I hope your summer is off to a GREAT start!

All the Best!

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