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Proud to be an American?

I hope all of you GLAM girls had a great 4th of July! I have always hated admitting that I'm not the most patriotic American.  Growing up in an America of over-indulgence, instant gratification, laziness, obesity and wastefulness, I've begun to resent my culture -- despite the long list of wonderful blessings we experience.  The truth is, I do love our country and greatly appreciate the true freedom we have been given.  The abuse of that freedom is what makes me less than excited to wave the American flag (Also, I just really love Europe and Africa).  But since we just celebrated Independence Day, I want to take some time to put aside my constant impulse to hop a plane for a foreign traveling adventure and truly let the blessing of FREEDOM sink in.

In Galatians 5:5 we are told that, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free." We then must "stand firm" and never be "burdened by a yoke of slavery."  So what does this even mean? Are we ever "burdened by a yoke of slavery"? Can freedom ever be taken to far? Yes and Yes

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"A follow up verse explains, "Do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love."  Or as we've so often heard, "With great freedom comes great responsibility."

Our freedom is not an excuse to indulge. It is a call to serve. This Independence Day, we should be honoring all of those individuals who took up the duty to serve others. We should remember those who gave their life so that you and I could have a better one (...and let that really sink in).  These individuals are an example of what Christ did for us. He died for us so that we could be FREE from sin.  So what does that freedom look like for us?

Freedom from addictive traits.

Freedom from the guilt of past mistakes.

Freedom from negative relationships.

Freedom from obsessive compulsiveness.

Freedom from the fear of failure.

Freedom from worrying about the future.

Freedom from anxiety and perfection.

Freedom from being a victim.

Freedom from low self esteem. 

Freedom from hurt feelings.

Freedom from a yoke of slavery.

Truly THANK GOD for the Freedom we have, and pray for those who do not have it yet.Are you living FREE from all of these things? We need to be truly accepting the joyous freedom we receive through Christ and in our country, too! Be free to confront a negative situation, be free to not wear makeup, be free to share God's truth with someone, or be free and break away from the lies you've believed about yourself.  Then take up some responsibility and in that freedom, love and serve others. Always remember the quote that "hurt people hurt people." If you are living in slavery to something in your life, you will most likely pass on hurt to others around you.  Let's break that cycle today and pass on love and freedom instead.  Furthermore, let's change as the next generation of America to be a socially concerned, not wasteful, not selfish, not arrogant, hardworking, giving, loving and caring culture.  Let's all take on some duty and responsibility so we can actually be "proud to be an American."

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