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"Mom" Upside Down is "Wow."

Me and mom at Disney!I know I am supposed to be continuing on with tales from my Africa trip, but I am taking a break this week for a topic that is worthy of talking about…Moms!

Marion Garretty said that, “Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.”  I think she hit the nail on the head when she penned those words.  I know that without a single doubt in my mind that I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for my mom.  Well, both of my parents, but this is all about moms!  Sorry dad!  :)

Anyway, so many times in life children forget, ignore, disregard and simply miss all that moms do for us.  I know I have so many times in life.  From kissing our booboo’s as a small child, to packing our lunches in school, to cheering at our sporting events, to keeping the pantry stocked with midnight snacks for Rocking our awesome early 90's hair!all night college cram sessions, to helping pack our things when we move away, to checking in on us when we haven’t called in a while…Moms do a lot.  They do a lot of things that we miss.  They do a lot that we forget.  They do a lot of things that help make our lives easier. 

So, today, I want to give a shout out to my mom.  Thanks mom!  Thanks for always being there helping me through whatever mountains land in my way.  Thanks for providing for all my needs even when I think I don’t need the help.  Thanks for encouraging me and daring me to chase my dreams and do the impossible.  I could not have done it without you!  Thanks for being not only my mom, but a mother figure to so many of my friends.  You’re awesome!

Yep, she's a good woman because she puts up with me!I also want to give a shout out to all those moms out there.  Whether you are still cradling your child in your arms or they are grown with their own children; may your love always be flowing, your encouragement always be uplifting and may your children always rise and call you blessed.   

To all of you young woman out there who are yet to have children; may we strive to be a virtuous woman of God and raise our future children to walk in His ways.  When we look back 20 years from now may Proverbs 31:28 be true. “Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her”.

Mom, thanks for being awesome.
Love you! 

Finally, what better way to honor my mom (and all moms) than a word from Kid President!  :) 


"The secret to changing the world? Moms!" 
May we all be moms that change the world... 

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    Response: useful reference
    Great Web page, Maintain the excellent job. Thanks a ton!

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