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about 13 years ago
HAPPY 2012! Here we are on the 2nd day of the newest year! I am happy to report to the G.L.A.M. world that I have officially survived 2011 and moved on to a brand new year full of untapped potential! YEE HAW! (That’s Alabamian for YAY!) So to kick off the start of this fantastic new future I give you my goals for 2012. (Notice I did not say resolutions, because those are too easy to break, goals however, are changeable, and workable, and something that goes far beyond February 1)  
about 13 years ago
Mary’s life was changed by four words and if you think that she was an unlikely character to speak such powerful words then the next group was WAY unlikely.  Many people thought that the Savior of the world would come by way of a great king who would be worshiped by the highest of highs.  Ha!  We all know that is not what happened!  Instead the King of Kings came in the form of a little baby and was worshiped by some very unlikely characters…. One group being Shepherds.
about 13 years ago
“HI, I’m Amanda and I AM A PEOPLE PLEASER.” Now you all say… “Hi, Amanda!”   That’s right. I’m a people pleaser. I spend much of my time and energy focusing on the needs or desires of the people around me.  Many times that comes at the expense of my own needs and desires. But, they say acceptance is the first step to recovery, right!?
about 13 years ago
I love the Christmas story in the book of Luke.  I love hearing it read aloud, I love reading it myself, I love seeing it portrayed through Christmas plays and movies and I love hearing carols reflecting the story.  I would dare to say that in my 25 years of life I have heard the Christmas story in some form or another over 150 times.  Honestly.  However, this past weekend when I saw it portrayed at a churches Christmas program I saw something different.  Something new and exciting to me.  I saw four words that changed me.  I saw three different “characters”, if you will, in the Christmas story say four words that changed lives.  Over the next three weeks leading to Christmas I would like to look at these three characters and the four words that they spoke.
about 13 years ago
The distant future, the year 2000... A bright-eyed and bushy eye-browed 15-year old version of me was venturing into high school. If Doc could show up with the DeLorean and take me back to that time to talk to myself or my friends. What would I say?  Probably first, pluck your eyebrows and stop putting bleach in your hair... Then I'd think of some more substantial advice. This blog will be the first in a series of (hopefully) interesting thoughts on how it feels 10 years later.

Teen Girl Petitions Seventeen Magazine to Stop Airbrushing Models

Julia BluhmJulia Bluhm, 14, is an eighth grader from rural Waterville, Maine. She loves ballet and attends class six days a week. She is also gaining national attention as an activist who is challenging the media to take responsibility for the way it warps girls' self-esteem.

"I've always noticed how a lot of the images in magazines look photo-shopped," Bluhm tells Yahoo! Shine. She wants all girls to feel comfortable in their own skin. "Girls shouldn't compare themselves to pictures in magazines," she says. "Because they are fake."

Eleven days ago, she launched a petition to ask one of her favorite magazines, Seventeen, to feature one un-retouched photo shoot a month. "They have already done a lot to help girls improve their body image. Their Body Peace feature is great. I thought that they could take it one step further with an unaltered photo spread." This morning, she is leading a protest outside of Seventeen's offices in Manhattan which will include a mock fashion shoot."I'm a little nervous. But excited."



Creative Cardboard Prom Dress Is Just The Right Fit

Maura Pozek in her latest creation. Photo by: Steve Pozek (her dad)Why did Missouri teen Maura Pozek make her prom dress out of cardboard and paper bags?

Because after fashioning the previous two years' outfits out of Doritos bags and soda can tabs, "I had to top myself somehow."

Seventeen-year-old Pozek, a high school senior from Reeds Spring (just northwest of Branson), told NPR's Melissa Block this afternoon that it took "lots of hot glue" and some late-night last-minute alterations to make the dress work. Her original idea to construct it all of corrugated cardboard wasn't going well. With just hours to go, she made the skirt from paper bags. The top remained cardboard. All of it was painted.



Documentary 'Girl Model' reveals underbelly of modelling world

Girl Model focuses on Russian girls in Japan, but the issues raised in the documentary are industry-wide, says Blais. When she was 18, she lived in New York City, trying to survive on $120 a week and forced to borrow rent money from her agency.

The issue made headlines in February, when models in the U.S. launched the Model Alliance, a non-profit rights group that seeks workplace standards to address some of the issues raised in the film, including child labour laws.

“Because the modelling industry is crossing so many different borders, and all the laws are different, there’s not a unified force that’s regulating (the industry),” Sabin told the Star. “They’re self-regulating and that’s extremely problematic when you’re dealing with youth.”



Chocolate Eating Linked To Lower BMI

Good news, chocolate fans.

A new study suggests that people who eat the sweet stuff may more frequently have lower BMI.

The research published Monday in the Archives of Internal Medicine finds that among approximately 1,000 Californians, age 20 to 85, individuals who consumed chocolate more frequently had a lower BMI than those who consumed it less often. (Body Mass Index is a measurement of height relative to weight.) Overall, participants ate chocolate an average of two times per week and exercised 3.6 times per week.



Women's History Month? What About 'Women Making History Month'?

March is Women's History Month. Doesn't that sound dreadfully boring, like some required course from college? These thirty-one days actually commemorate women's courageous struggles for self-determination and justice, but with that almost academic label on it, it all seems rather, well, passé. History, obviously, is all in the past. So, what if we re-named March "Women Making History Month"? Because this month in 2012, we certainly have some history-making to do.


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