Five Lessons... Part 5!
Well, we have come to the end of the story of the feeding of the 5,000. Yes, I know that all of you are heartbroken over it, but alas, all good things must come to an end! :) Before we wrap up I want to do a quick recap of the first 4 lessons. Here we go...
Lesson 1~ Attitude
The first lesson we can learn from this miracle of Jesus is ATTITUDE. In order to be all you can be for Jesus you have to take on the right attitude. With God ALL things are possible. God has put us where we are for a purpose and He has placed large tasks in our lives. We have to take on the correct attitude in order for God to use us and conquer these big tasks.
LESSON 2~ Give it All
The second lesson we can learn is GIVING IT ALL. God has incredible things in store for our lives and He wants to use us beyond our comprehension, but in order to do so we have to give everything to Him. Just as the young boy gave all of his lunch for Jesus to use, we have to give Jesus all of ourselves.
LESSON 3~ Keep On Keeping On.
The third lesson we can learn is that you have to KEEP ON KEEPING ON! It looks impossible sometimes, but with the right attitude, and when you give all you have, and keep on keeping on no matter what, God will use you and bless you far beyond your imagination. As you keep on, you daily have to come back to God in order for Him to "refill your basket" just as He had to do for the disciples. You cannot serve/feed others when you yourself have not been fed and refilled.
LESSON 4~ When it's all said and done: JESUS.
The fourth lesson we can learn is that whether it's a project at school or work, a lesson you teach, a group you lead, a task you complete, or the life you live, WHEN IT'S ALL SAID AND DONE let it be JESUS that they see and praise!
AND FINALLY, Drum roll please......
LESSON 5~ Unique and Special
The fifth lesson that I think we can take away from this miracle of Jesus and help us to "be all we can be for Jesus" is to understand that we are unique and special. You see, my favorite thing about this miracle is not the lessons to be learned, it's not the little boy giving it all, it's not the disciples serving, it's not Jesus multiplying food to feed the thousands of people, but it's the fact that this is the only miracle that is recorded in all 4 gospels! I love that! Like I said in lesson 1, that makes this miracle special. I also think that this miracle is unique. Although there are several miracles of Jesus, even one where He feed 4,000, this one is still it's own unique miracle.
Just as the miracle is unique and special, you are unique and special. You're created for a specific reason with incredible plans (Jeremiah 29:11). The Psalmist tells us in Psalms 139 that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and that we were woven together by God. WOW! God stopped and took the time to weave you into creation just the way He wanted you to be.
God spoke all of His creations into existence, except for humans. He created us and breathed life into us. He went on to leave His unique mark on us and even gave us our own unique and special marks, fingerprints. Just as this miracle is special and unique, you are special and unique. God loves you beyond your imagination and has plans and thoughts for you that are beyond what you can fathom (Isaiah 55:8-9). Your fingerprints distinguish you from the rest of the world, so be unique, don't conform, and live the special plans that God has for you! God has left His fingerprints on you, now go leave His fingerprints across the world...
I wrap this point up with lyrics to a song that came from a late night conversation with a friend and thoughts that were swimming in our heads over the course of a few months.
It's simply titled
As I look at the stars I can’t help but think about the
day you formed them into existence.
The moment you spoke the words the creation
in its perfect forms for me to enjoy and see
Each star and constellation a unique creation in itself
it’s like you left your fingerprints on the night sky
As I look in the mirror I can’t help but think about the
day you formed me into existence
The moment you created me in your perfect
image and Woven with beauty only by your grace
Given a specific purpose to impact this world
When I was created, your fingerprints were left on me
Just as a potter leaves his prints on the clay
God has left His fingerprints on me
If you are the potter then I am the clay.
I am a creation skillfully mastered by the master’s hands
Woven with beauty in the image of God
I can’t help but see the fingerprints you left on me
I am your creation, yours and yours alone
I am shaped and created to be what I am supposed to be
Get the right ATTITUDE, GIVE IT ALL to God, KEEP ON KEEPING ON, in the end WHEN IT'S ALL SAID AND DONE let everything you do and say point to JESUS, and be your UNIQUE and SPECIAL self that God created you to be and you will be all you can be for Jesus!
I hope that God has spoken to you just as much has He has spoken to me through this story...
John 3:30 He must become more important. I must become less important...
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