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"A Promise Worth A Year"

Each year I plan to partake in a New Year’s resolution and well, it never fails to go downhill after like… uh… a month? Everything seems to be so exciting in the beginning of January like starting a diet, loosing weight, redecorating and so on, but once February and March approach, I slip right back into my old routines. This year I want to don’t want to make a resolution; I want to make a promise. I want to make a promise to my Savior that I will thank Him each day for filling my lungs with air and giving me a chance to spread His love yet another day. I want to promise myself that I will use each new day as an opportunity to teach someone about our God and the relationship they are capable of being apart of. I personally think promises are easier to keep than resolutions because promises are assurances that whatever is said will be kept.

            Also, I want to challenge not only myself, but you also, to document this next year in whatever way works best. Whether it’s through journaling each day or even starting a blog.  Having a way to look back and reflect on the next year will be much easier if you can relive it through the memories you’ve written about. This would be a good way to reminisce one day as well. I have noticed, as I have gotten older, that it is kind of hard to recall all the things that have happened throughout my life. Honestly, it is hard for me to even recall a lot that has happened just this past year. By blogging, journaling, or even by taking pictures, I will be able to remember my past much easier.  Hopefully, one day I will be able to share it with my family and friends.

Overall, I think we all should use this New Year to slow down and appreciate what we have been given. We have been blessed to have another day, so we should take a few minutes to thank the one who gave it to us. I love this quote from the movie New Years Eve that describes how we should look at the New Year, “Before the ball drops we must remember both our triumphs and our missteps, our promises made and broken. The times we opened ourselves up to great adventures or closed ourselves down for fear of getting hurt. Cause that’s what new years are all about, getting another chance. The chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more. And to stop worrying about what if and start embracing what will be.” Embrace life instead of worrying about it each day! God is in control no matter what, so there is no use in stressing over things that are out of your control.

            Spread his love, pray, slow down, and take a deep breath.  Life can be a beautiful adventure if you will let it.  


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