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An Open Letter to ALL Women on Valentines Day:

With Valentines Day just days away, I have found myself reading many emails, tweets, and texts from girls that feel the need to ignore or rebuke the holiday because they are single or because their relationship is falling apart, or because their significant other is away...the list could go on for days. Of course, I feel their pain. I’ve been in their shoes plenty of times before and it’s never fun to have a whole day dedicated to the celebration of love when you aren’t feeling so loved yourself. So, in response, here is my open letter to all the women of the the world, be they single, married, engaged, committed, divorced, separated or just lonely.

Dear Woman,

Happy Valentines Day! I’m writing to let you know that you are one of the most beautiful and wonderful people on this Earth and you are so very loved. This world has you convinced  that you are not good enough and I want you to know that is a LIE. Please know that these ideas that a perfect body shape, hair style, color, the right clothes, personality, job, life, relationship... they DO NOT EXIST, and thank God they don’t. The greatest part of being a human, and especially a woman, is that we are all 100% unique. Your mind, body, and spirit have a purpose meant only for you. You were created for that purpose out of LOVE. A true, pure, and perfect love that nothing in this lifetime will ever measure up to. Remember that the next time you find yourself lonely. You are never alone. Your best friend, greatest comforter, and the best listener in the universe is right there with you every minute of everyday.
Your Creator, God, knows every detail about you. He made everything just so. So, the next time you stand in front of the mirror and grimace at what you see, remember that He made what you see. It’s there for a reason. Find things about it that you can love. They are there. I know sometimes it can be hard to find once you’ve been bombarded with images of what we “should” see, but believe me when I say you are absolutely beautiful. When you see yourself the way God does, and the way I do, I know you will think so too.
Your beauty is much more than what you and I see on the outside. It radiates out of you from deep within. I can see it in your passion to be a great friend, mother, sister, wife, or girlfriend, aunt, cousin, grandmother, mentor... I see it in your ability to encourage those around you despite your own circumstances. I see it in the way you work hard to accomplish your goals, even though others sometimes tell you you’ll never make it. I promise you this. If you work hard you will see those goals fulfilled. I see your beauty in the way you hurt for the hurting, the way you put others before yourself, and the way you sacrifice to make sure the people you care about are happy.
So this year for Valentines Day, remember this: You are beautiful inside and out and there is someone who is head over heels for you right now. Celebrate the fact that you are loved in such a huge over the top way. You are here because God thinks the world is a better place with you in it... and I agree! Though I understand you might wish someone else was telling you these things on this special day, don’t lose heart. These words may not bring chocolates or flowers, but I pray they bring you hope, confidence, and a feeling of comfort. Remember God’s will and His timing are perfect, and He’s the most perfect Valentine we could ever ask for. Happy Valentines Day!!!



"Pie Chart"

Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do and encourage yourself. This week I’ve been learning a lot about self motivation and encouragement. I’ve needed to learn these things for a while because neither is a strong suit of mine. Recently, I’ve decided to work from home more so I can spend more time with my child who is growing up WAY too fast. I refuse to miss a first of any sort, and I think that I will be glad that I have chosen to stay home. However, knowing that I struggle to self motivate, and have a real love/hate relationship with procrastination, this choice did not come without its hesitations and fears.

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More Than Conquerors

Have you ever felt defeated?  Have you ever felt like something has conquered you rather than you conquering it?  I have.  Honestly, I think we all have.  Yes, we have our “mountaintop moments” where we feel like we have conquered the world and we are not scared of whatever is coming next.  However, we also have those “valley moments” where we are overwhelmed, frustrated, scared and simply feel like the world is against us and there’s no way out.  I know (and I’m pretty sure you know) how that feels.  The feeling of being conquered.  This is definitely one of the worst feelings in the world.  However, today, we can take great joy and hope in knowing that we cannot only be conquerors, but we can be MORE THAN CONQUERORS.  How?  I thought you might ask that! :)  Let’s look to the book of Romans to see what Paul has to say about this situation.  

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