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"Never Grow Up"

Since we were little we were always told we can be whatever we want to be. I remember in grade school everyone wanted to be something along the lines of a policeman, astronaut, rock star, or a princess. Have those desires to dream big changed as we have grown? I mean honestly... I still want to be a princess and I guess I could be, but I have bigger dreams. 

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Never Once.

Life is not easy.
It’s hard.
Really hard sometimes.


What makes it harder?
When you don’t understand what’s going on.
When you can’t see the future clearly.
When things don’t make sense.


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"Guard Your Heart"

Since I work with a lot of girls in middle school, high school and beyond, I am constantly having to think back on what my life was like at those ages. One of the stand out memories that has followed me through all of those ages is the desire to be in a romantic relationship. It started somewhere around 5th grade.

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