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The Joy of the Lord is my STRENGTH!

It’s just one of those days... you know, the kind where you just can’t seem to make yourself want to get out of bed and do anything, even though your to-do list is a million and a half miles long. Yeah. Those. (Insert frowny face and WAMP WAMP sound effect here.) I figured since we can all relate to this type of day, I might as well type us out of this funk. So here we go!

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Heart Flutter...

It’s Valentines Day.  (Just call me Captain Obvious!)  A lot of people have a lot of different thoughts when it comes to Valentines Day.  Some people love it and go all out with personalized valentines for all their friends and families.  However, on the other hand, some people hate it.  They choose to wear black and not speak a kind word to anyone.  Me?  It’s just another day.

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If I Won the Lottery...

What would I do if I won the lottery?  First of all, I would probably run around screaming like a maniac. Then, when I finally pull myself together, I would thank God and ask Him what He wants me to do with the money. This is a random topic, I know, but I was on the way to Nashville last weekend and I passed a billboard that had what the lottery is currently worth. It was something crazy like 8-10 million and 50 million. Why in the world would you need 50 million dollars?

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