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"Don't worry, He will Prevail"

Okay, January isn't even over yet and I don't know about you all, but my past month has been quite the roller coaster ride. I don't know if it's a coincidence or if it is God asking me to take a step back and listen. Either way, it has been crazy and I am going to vent to you all about it if that's okay. 

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I am a very inquisitive person.  I mean, I ask questions all the time.  I am curious about how things work and why things happen the way they do.  I think it all comes from my love to learn new things.  Whether that’s why I am the way I am, or not, I like to ask questions.  I have been told that I ask more questions that a curious five year old who is trying to figure out the world!  I’m OK with that though...How are you supposed to learn if you do not ask questions?!?

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"New Semester, New Challenge"

Back to school already?? I know I had a little bit longer of a break than high schoolers and middle schoolers but jeez I feel like the winter break just flew by! There I was enjoying my mini vacation in Alabama with my family and now here I am back in the office… not that I don’t love my job, just in awe at how fast time truly passes by. Also, I am already in my second semester of college?! What?! If I could ask for anything from a magic genie, it would definitely be more hours in the day so we could actually enjoy and take in each day. Anyway, I started my second semester back yesterday and I’ll be honest, those first day of school jitters took a toll on me yesterday.

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