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"Daughter of the King"

So, a couple of weeks ago I was invited to be apart of leading a girls conference at my church. The invitation made me jump for joy inside, it could not have come at a better time. I have a passion for children and having this job here at G.L.A.M., has only fueled my fire even more for wanting to become a mentor. 

The conference is called CNC, which stands for "Confidence iN Christ" and let me tell you, it blew my mind. There were over three hundred lovely, young ladies between the ages of five and fourteen signed up; which also blew my mind!

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Reason, Season, Lifetime

There is a well known poem called "Reason, Season, Lifetime" that is about friendship. The gist of the poem is to state that there are three types of friends. A friend that is in your life for a reason, a friend that is there for a season and a friend that is there for a lifetime. While I can pinpoint different friends in my life who fit in each of these categories, I also believe that there are hidden gems out there that defy these three categories and gain the title "best friend". Why do I believe this? Because after 21 years of just having reason, season and lifetime friends I found one of those hidden gems. Now I have many incredible friends that I love with all my heart and whose friendships I would not trade for anything, but in my world, there can only be 1 "best".

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"A New Path"

Well… here we are, a little over a week into the year of 2013 and I am sitting at my desk reflecting on 2012 kind of like I was last week when I last wrote you. Only this time God is revealing to me something new. Usually when I think back on my past I block out the moments I don’t particularly like to remember and I can move on quickly from those thoughts, which I thought made me a strong person. I can usually think about my parents’ divorce, moving, growing up, and many other things without crying or feeling extremely hurt but recently it has been the exact opposite. I read one of the blogs from the infamous (in)courage site that explains how I feel in exact detail and here is what some of it says:

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