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"Love BIG or go home"

Welcome to 2013 everyone!! J This is always an exciting time of year, but this year it is a brand new experience. This year, instead of being in the office re-organizing and re-focusing for the year ahead, I find myself at home, in a dark room, trying to be as quiet as possible while my ten week old son naps beside me. I’m desperately and furiously typing trying to get through my to-do list that overflows with last year’s tasks. But you know what… It’s okay.

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"A Promise Worth A Year"

Each year I plan to partake in a New Year’s resolution and well, it never fails to go downhill after like… uh… a month? Everything seems to be so exciting in the beginning of January like starting a diet, loosing weight, redecorating and so on, but once February and March approach, I slip right back into my old routines. This year I want to don’t want to make a resolution; I want to make a promise.

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Merry Christmas!

It's CHRISTMAS! Can you believe it?! That means 2013 will be sneaking up on us SO very soon.

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