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Shepherds, Why This Jubilee? 

I LOVE Christmas music… Well, as long as it is after Thanksgiving and before the New Year.  Nonetheless, I still love it!  Every year I am brought back to the memories of the years and years of Christmas’ past.  And without fail, every year I think I know every word to every “classic” Christmas carol.  The music starts, whether it is on the radio, in a store or in church, and I start singing along.  At first I feel pretty good about myself for remembering the words since last Christmas and then… the dreaded second verse comes.  Yep, I just thought I knew all the words.  Come on, you know what I am talking about!

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Christmas Already??

Christmas is in six days… what?? As I am sitting here writing, I am in shock thinking about Christmas being less than a week away. Also, I am a little shocked that it feels like it is early fall outside with this high sixty degree weather. This warm winter weather is confusing and I don’t know if it’s just me, but it is definitely throwing off my jolly holiday mood. Not to mention, I have only watched Elf like three times compared to the regular amount of times I usually watch it, which is like fifteen…

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New Scene Selection

We all live through a series of scenes.  Some scenes are more cinematic than others with boring, mundane in-between times, and then moments when you just swear you're living in a movie or a reality television show.  But movies have trained us to be used to instant gratification.  We just jump to the "10 years later..."or travel through a montage of a year in three minutes instead of living through the character's waiting time.  If you listened to our latest podcast on waiting, you heard my big announcement about moving on to a new scene.

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