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A Month...

Well folks it’s been a month… since I last wrote to you, since I was last productive in this office, since I was pregnant, and since I gave birth to what is now the most important thing in my world. His name is Ryker, and he’s perfect. He was born on a Tuesday morning after what I can only describe as the hardest 26 hours I have or will probably ever endure. It was all worth it; not just because he is my son and he’s everything I could have dreamed he could be, but because of everything I went through to get him here. I finally have a tiny glimmer of understanding of the intensity of God’s love for us.

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Tis The Season...To Focus.

It’s that time of year.  You know, the time of year where EVERYTHING gets CRAZY.  Really.  CRAZY.  The holidays are among us, which means there are parties to be had, goodies to be baked and presents to be bought.  And on top of all of that, if you are in school, there are exams to be taken and projects and papers to be finished.  I told you it was the crazy time of the year!  As we approach this time, my prayer is that we remain focused. 

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Love is for the Brave

Actually caring about people can be embarrassing. It's embarrassing when they don't seem to care as much about you, forget about you, or leave you out.  Actually loving someone can be hurtful. It's hurtful when you've been forgotten about too many times or when you've been let down.  Actually loving someone can be painful.  It's painful when you are separated from them or especially if you've lost them. 

But as I read each chapter of Love Does, it's as if every story is a year's dose of hope.  When love is shown in action, it just can't be stopped.  When passion jumps out, no one can ignore it.  

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